Proper Wedding DJ Attire

Proper Wedding DJ Attire

Proper Wedding DJ Attire

Let’s talk about what your DJ should wear during your wedding!

This might not be something you consider in the hiring process, but it’s important to make sure the DJ you hire for your wedding fits all of your expectations for the big day, and that includes their appearance at your wedding. Here are some dress situations to consider to speak with your DJ on.

Attire that your guests would wear

The easiest rule most DJs should follow is to ask your DJ to dress like they’re one of the guests. Your wedding is a very important event, dress wear will fit the occasion and show professionalism. But there are a few other things to consider beyond that.

Consider your wedding party’s dress code

At show me sound, our DJs typically wear suits, but sometimes we show up in a suit that is the same color as the groomsmen.

If you’d prefer your DJ didn’t get mistaken for one of the members of the wedding party, this is an important topic to bring up in advance.

The Black-Tie Formal

Are you having a black-tie formal wedding? If you want your DJ to fit the part, this is definitely something to note during a consultation call. 

While a black suit might be an option in your DJs rotation, it’s definitely helpful to let them know in advance if this is the theme of the evening. Unless of course, you’d like to them to stand out from the rest of the party.

Outdoor Wedding Ceremonies

Living in the midwest, outdoor weddings and ceremonies are relatively popular. If the expectation is a little less formal/casual (or if you feel the DJ would look out of place in a full suit), I promise this information in advance is much appreciated. 

Not only are you saving your DJ an extra dry cleaning bill, you don’t have to worry about guests making side conversations about your sweaty DJ.

Grooming Habits

The final point worth noting is your DJs grooming habits. While this may be an uncomfortable question to ask, finding pictures of your DJ in action on social media (or even headshots) should be a good indication of what they look like when they are “show-ready”.

Final Dress Code Notes

The theme across the board here is that you want your DJ to look like they belong at the party they are hosting. If you have preferences don’t be afraid to bring this up when finding the perfect DJ for your big day.

Looking to talk about what your DJ should wear at your wedding? Send us a message through our contact page!